Monday 20 October 2014

Late Night Advice

I know this isn't fashion related but I feel like somebody out there might need to hear it...including myself. Maybe when you find yourself constantly trying stay in someone's life or hold their attention you should stop and think, because they are already not worth your time. Everybody says "know your worth" and as cliche as it sounds it's true. Understand not to chase after someone because you are lonely or because you miss them. If someone pushes you out of their life, they did it for whatever bs reason/excuse. It's not your problem to try and force yourself back in. Know that you are far to precious to be chasing people that wouldn't jump a puddle for you. You should be someone's only option, someone's first choice, don't ever accept second place because you've gotten used to the idea of them being around. It is better to have no one around you than, somebody that completely disrespects you.
I don't know if that made sense but I hope it does help some of you, and I need to learn to take my own advice asap. 


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